Mutating an Array while iterating over it
What is the best way to change a list while iterating it in Swift?
The most straightforward way is to use the indices:
struct Position {
var amount = 0
struct Booking {
var positions: [Position]
mutating func increment() {
for idx in positions.indices {
positions[idx].amount += 1
var booking = Booking(positions: [Position](repeating: Position(), count: 3))
You could optimize it a tiny bit by using the index methods to avoid an unnecessary copy (although I'd only use this for large arrays / if it turns out to be a performance issue):
mutating func increment() {
var idx = positions.startIndex
while idx != positions.endIndex {
positions[idx].amount += 1
idx = positions.index(after: idx)
More information
↗ Collection#indices
↗ How to mutate a struct object when iterating over it